There are two ways to finalise a booking on MyCamper: Binding booking request and instant booking.

Binding booking request

With the booking request option, a binding request for the desired date is sent to the owner. In the request, the renters can ask the owner questions and present their travel plans. If the owner agrees, he:she accepts the request. Owners have 24 hours to accept the request. If the request is accepted within this period, the booking is considered binding. As long as the request has not been accepted, renters have the possibility to withdraw the request. In addition, renters can send a new booking request at any time if the old one has expired. The availability calendar is blocked for the requested period as long as the request is not rejected. Renters have the option of writing a message to the owners via the contact function if they still have unanswered questions before they want to send a binding request. As soon as the booking request has been accepted by the owners and thus completed, the cancellation conditions stated in the camper profile apply.

Instant booking

Vehicles that offer instant booking are marked with a flash and can be booked directly. 

If you would like to ask the owner questions first, you can do so via the contact function. You'll find the "Send message" button directly below the owner information on the vehicle profile.