Check-in takes place when the renter picks up the vehicle from the owner at the start of the rental period. As the owner, you are responsible for ensuring that the vehicle, fixtures, and equipment match what is stated in the rental agreement at the time of handover.

Step-by-Step Check-In Process:

  1. Start the Check-In

    • When the renter arrives, the owner begins the check-in process on MyCamper’s website using their phone.
  2. Vehicle Inspection

    • Together, the owner and renter conduct a thorough visual inspection of the vehicle.
    • Any damages or defects are documented by the owner.
    • For motorhomes, the fuel level and mileage are also recorded.

  3. Renter’s Approval

    • The renter reviews and approves the owner's documentation of the vehicle’s condition on MyCamper’s website using their phone.

  4. Identity Verification

    • The owner checks the renter’s driving license.
    • The last four digits of the renter’s social security number are entered on MyCamper’s website to verify their identity and ensure they have the proper authorization to drive the vehicle.

  5. Handover & Completion

    • The owner hands over the keys to the renter, marking the official start of the rental period.
    • From this point, the renter assumes responsibility for the vehicle.

Time Required & Importance of Check-In

The check-in process typically takes 1–2 hours and is a mandatory step. It ensures both parties acknowledge the vehicle’s condition before the rental begins, providing security and clarity for both the owner and renter throughout the rental period.

Check list for check-in process:

  • The renter goes to the vehicle owner or where the vehicle is located, at the agreed time on the day of check-in. 
  • The owner starts a "check-in" by phone on MyCamper's website.
  • If it is a motorhome, the vehicle owner first documents the motorhome's fuel level and mileage reading.
  • The owner and the renter inspect the vehicle together. The vehicle owner documents any damage and defects, that the equipment works and takes pictures of the vehicle.
  • The owner examines the renter's driving license so that it matches the renters's information on the website. The vehicle then owner hands over the vehicle's keys to the renter.