Check-in takes place when the renter picks up the vehicle from the owner to use it during the rental period. Remember that you as the owner are responsible for ensuring that the vehicle, fixtures and equipment correspond to what is stated in the rental agreement when the renter picks up the vehicle.

The vehicle owner starts checking in on their preferred device on MyCamper's website when the renter has arrived at the vehicle or before. The check-in opens 24 hours before the rental starts and can only be made when the renter has paid the deposit. The renter can only start their part of the check-in process on the first day of the rental.

The vehicle owner and the renter make a thorough visual inspection of the vehicle. The vehicle owner documents potential damages and defects and if it is a motorhome, the current fuel level and mileage reading are also documented. The renter then approves the owner's documentation of the vehicle's condition on MyCamper's website on their device. Finally, the vehicle owner looks at the renter's drivers license and enters the renter's birth date, to both verify the renter's identity and that the renter has the right authorization to drive the vehicle. The keys are then handed over from the vehicle owner to the renter. Thus, the check-in is completed and the rental period has started. The renter has now taken over responsibility for the vehicle.

It is important to set aside enough time for the check-in and check-out process. This often takes between 1-2 hours. Completing the check-in is mandatory and demonstrates that both parties are aware of the condition of the vehicle before the rental period starts. In this way, both parties can feel safe during the rental period and when returning the vehicle.