As a vehicle owner you have the ability to charge a deposit that the renter pays before the start of the booking. The deposit is used by the renter as a way to pay potential extra charges that may arise in connection with the booking. You can choose the amount you want the deposit to be for all your bookings. 

To edit your deposit of your already published vehicle, first press the menu in the top right of the website. There you will find "My Vehicle" which you can press. Now you can select "Prices". At the bottom of the page you can select how much you wish to charge for the deposit.

The deposit is paid to MyCamper to make renters and owners feel secure. Renters have to pay the deposit fee online earliest 7 days before the start of the rental and latest the day before the start of the rental. If no deposit has been paid, it is not possible to start the check-in process. 

During check-out, you as the vehicle owner can indicate extra costs that you want to charge the renter. The renter then needs to approve these extra costs. You as the vehicle owner and the renter are responsible for agreeing to any additional costs to be deducted. If the amount of extra costs exceeds the deposit paid, the renter will pay the excess amount to MyCamper and then the extra costs will be paid to youAn administrative fee of 10% is added for the renter on all extra costs.

At check-out, you also have the opportunity to ask to keep the deposit for a limited time to, for example, check what a repair will cost. You are then responsible for checking this out as soon as possible. The deposit can be held for maximum 2 months.

If you report extra costs after the deposit has been released, you will receive your money as soon as the renter has paid it to MyCamper. In order to be able to charge the renter for extra costs, you as the owner must send in documentation that proves that these occurred during the rental period. This can be, for example, receipts for surcharges, road tolls or parking fines. The documents must be submitted to MyCamper no later than six months after the check-out of the rental period. 

Note that if extra costs are added afterwards, it is you as the owner who has the burden of proof, so it is always easiest to make sure that you and the renter agree on any extra costs directly at check-out and that this is documented in the check-out. 
Note that when MyCamper transfers money to you, it can take up to 5-10 days before the money reaches your account.